Stock R125 to 6-boss R15 HEAVY DUTY Clutch upgrade

I found once I had the tuned 180cc on that I seemed to be getting some slipping going on – I think in the end it was a mix of clutch slip and a failing rear shock absorber. Either way, I was learning wheelies so was feeling my clutch go and now with a bigger cylinder I seemed to be getting slip so with a little bit of help from my friends in Malaysia and Indonesia, I built this heavy duty clutch. prototype.

It’s based on the R15 which is bigger and heaver than the R125 so has a larger clutch basket (aprox 1cm diameter larger) than the R125, though interestingly only has 4 rings/plates instead of 5 and no inner conical washer (clutch geekout!).

But would a stock R15 clutch be enough? hell no – so this R15 clutch is further upgraded by adding a 6-bolt clutch boss and uprated springs, so not only do you have a bigger overall diameter, but also then an extra 50% bolts with again uprated springs.

I think it might be possible to add a 5th clutch plate/disk for even more grip, since the FZ-150i/Vixion seems to use the R15 clutch but with 5 plates instead of 4. I’d already ordered the 4-plate kit by the time I found that out and wasn’t sure if the boss would fit (later found out it would).

Either way – the pull is notcably heavier, especially on a short rsc-style stunt clutch, perhaps 2x as heavy as the stock R125 clutch, so it’s not to be underestimated, but you drop it and it engages no question and that translates into confidence when riding hard.

Unless you’re doing clutch-ups you probably won’t see dramatic changes, but I found the firmer clutch translates into sharper handling all round because if you’re putting 2x the power through that little engine we need to get it to the ground in a predictable and reliable way too 😉

YZF-R125 tuning, Stretching scooters, welding & fabrication, customising, custom parts.

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