
Youtube engine/tuning/bike people to watch:

2StrokeStuffing – awesome 2-stroke modifying adventures

The Workshop – how literally everything to do with engines and bikes works in insanely well explained detail. He’s also set up a super helpful website which lets you search all of his videos. Basically if you’re stuck with your bike or want to see how to do something, search here first:

Youtube stunters:

StuntexRu ace russian stunt channel. some amazing riders on there, stunt championship highlights, training session, build stuff and more (as above)

Brian_636 – stunter from chicago, hood eats, stoppies for days

Dank Wheelie – from florida(?) wheelies all over the place

Jewsa – from Houston, TX. stuntlife real af

Motobroo – wheelies absolutely everywhere, great attitude

also:  Can’t wheelie broWheelie Em K, Rokbagoros Stunt rider, Stunt Freaks Team

VW links:

VW syncro forum – forum for VW’s syncro vehicles, mostly golfs but other syncro vehicles too

VPerformance – couple of bonnie scottish lads who run a youtube channel and website with lots of helpful info on DIY remapping. They seem to be mostly VAG-based.

Scooter links:

Acosta Race Tuning – This guy builds some wicked scooters, FB tho, sorry..

Scootershack – awesome automatic scooter forum (mostly UK-based)

Steady Garage – some very cool and handy parts for custom scooter conversions. Superbly helpful too as I found out recently. – spares and tuning parts for scooters – more fun bits for scooters and mopeds

Yamaha C3/Giggle/VOX fatty conversion – basically the only other person I’ve found doing fatty conversions on yamaha. Awesome build!

Misc useful tools:

Cylinder compression calculator (in german)

YZF-R125 tuning, Stretching scooters, welding & fabrication, customising, custom parts.

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