Tag Archives: modified YZF-R125
Engine out on the YZF-R125
The first step towards getting my beloved R125 running again is going to be taking the engine out to see what went wrong and whether I can fix it or whether I have to replace it.
If there’s any way I can fix the motor then I’m going to try and do that, and possibly slip a 180cc big bore kit in there too since I probably have to replace the cylinder anyway and my very patient insurance folks have said they will insure it if I go ahead.
Continue reading Engine out on the YZF-R125Manual timing chain tensioner on YZF-R125
More fun with taking engines apart and finding things not as they should be on the YZF-R125

Whilst my thus-far pitiful efforts to pop dank wheelies are still going unrewarded, trying to do so highlighted some issues with my hand controls.
Continue reading YAMAHA YZF-R125 ADJUSTABLE CNC brake leversUploading a new map to the power commander v on yzf-r125 (and map switching)
Changing front sprocket on yamaha yzf-r125
This is me trying to do a walkthrough of changing the front/drive sprocket on a Yamaha YZF-R125 without a rear wheel stand/paddock stand.
Continue reading Changing front sprocket on yamaha yzf-r125“Green laning” on a sportbike – not recommended
because of course, why wouldn’t you?