Carenzi wheel adapter woes…

I just got this Carenzi hub adapter today for one of my Yamaha Scooter builds which I was hoping to drill holes in to mount a mini-classic rim for a ruckus-stylee fatty/stretch conversion.

However, having learnt from my past mistakes the first thing I did was take some measurements to check it was actually round, which it turns out it probably isn’t. 🙁

Continue reading Carenzi wheel adapter woes…

Street Outlaws vs Fast ‘n’ Loud

Couldn’t have said it better…


I do find it a little sad how it went down in the end since I’m a fan of both shows, and I don’t think RR really showed his best side. But hey in the end I reckon the best team won – and that’s racing. Props to the whole 405 crew who made the Crow #2 happen. You rock! 🙂

YZF-R125 tuning, Stretching scooters, welding & fabrication, customising, custom parts.

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